Annual General Meeting 2018
GLOBE works for an inclusive OECD community where all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome. Founded in 2001, it is a registered association under the French loi 1901. GLOBE is funded entirely by its members. In accordance with its statutes, the association held an annual general meeting on 24th January 2018 in the Ockrent Room, Chateau de la Muette, to review GLOBE's 2017 activities and set an agenda for 2018.
Administrative Matters
54 participants attended, a moderate increase on the previous year. On administrative matters, the previous year’s minutes were approved, an update to the consitution was proposed for later consideration, and the board members were confirmed. The board of GLOBE is now:
Joshua Polchar, president
Gallia Daor, vice president
Angela Attrey, executive secretary
Robert Akam, treasurer
Treasurer's report
GLOBE’s revenue from membership dues increased in 2017, reaching €1250. 2016’s total had been €950. The annual membership fee for 2018 will remain €25 per calendar year.
GLOBE’s full costs and revenues are available on request.
Full members (including paid members, associate membership for the Swedish Delegation as a whole, partner memberships, and members paying the full fee):
68 in 2017, of which 66% men.
45 in 2016, of which 88% men.
Online registered supporters (subscribed to the mailing list):
249 in 2017, of which 83 were new.
13 are staff of the national Permanent Delegations to the OECD.
At least 8 are UNESCO staff.
76 likes by January 2017
183 likes by January 2018
Activities in 2017
In lieu of the customary presentation, the GLOBE board screened a video to celebrate the achievements of 2017. The video is available unlisted on YouTube for GLOBE members and supporters to watch again.
GLOBE’s main 2017 achievements include:
Summer party
Participation in Paris Pride
5 Apéros
2 Apéros for women
New website
A survey and report to propose content for a travel guide for LGBT staff on mission
A brown-bag lunch seminar with OECD expert Debra Mountford on the theme of Pride and the City
Support to the Secretary General’s message to all staff on the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
Pride and the City
GLOBE is planning a public event called Pride and the City, discussing the cultural, economic and social impacts of LGBTQI events on city life and metropolitan development. The objective of this event is to raise visibility and public awareness of the cultural importance of the LGBTQI community and its role in fostering a diverse and multi-faceted urban landscape. This event will be held in reference to the forthcoming 2018 Gay Games, which will be held in Paris in August.
This event will explore the history and development of LGBTQI cultural events through the lens of the Gay Games, an international sporting event that promotes diversity, inclusion, respect and solidarity. This event has been organised by OECD GLOBE in collaboration with a number of prominent stakeholders. It is open to all OECD Staff, Delegations and Permanent Representations to the OECD, and GLOBE members.
GLOBE in 2018
Participants held an interactive discussion to imagine what they would like GLOBE to achieve in 2018. They imagined some of the biggest successes GLOBE could hope for, and then proposed projects to make them happen.
To open the discussion, participants were asked to imagine some of the most exciting and ambitious achievements GLOBE could hope to reach. These were not intended to be GLOBE’s policies or agenda for 2018, rather a source of inspiration for eventual activities.
500 members
User-friendly contact points
SG headlining at a GLOBE event
GLOBE at the MCM/Forum
Inclusive Growth includes LGBTI
Gender-neutral adoption parental leave benefits
Support for families with children born through surrogacy
All delegations support GLOBE
OECD report on LGBTI inclusion
OECD joins Workplace Pride
OECD charter for LGBT equality
Internal discussion on key indicators for LGBTI equality
GLOBE gives a voice to civil society
GLOBE email sent to all new recruits
LGBTI recognised in Diversity Report
Participants were then asked to propose ideas for initiatives to undertake. This time the criteria were more targeted: all projects had to be realistic and achievable within a year, with a team of volunteers brought together to realise them. The projects proposed are listed below, with the number of volunteers in brackets.
Pride (6)
Conference Centre display on LGBT rights (6)
Bowling (4)
Draft Council recommendation on LGBT equality (1)
Gender parity: women-specific events, drinks, events open to friends, allies and curious people, senior executive support, joint events with other associations (7)
Pride in the City (6)
GLOBE lunches (4)
Brown bag lunch discussion, on which key indicators countries should start collecting to better understand LGBTIQ equality issues (3)
Co-organise with other associations (4)
Buddying: meet and talk with staff who are reluctant to join (5)
Civil society engagement: sexual health clinics, youth LGBTQI, refugees, homeless people (4)
Join ‘The Circle’ (0)
Laser tag (0)
Karaoke (0)
Multidimensional diversity survey (0)
Each project will be assigned a board member to support its volunteers in achieving their goals for GLOBE in 2018. Members can continue to propose new projects and volunteer for existing ones by contacting the board at
More information about all the projects is available on the GLOBE website.